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a.href = href; return a.hostname; } var Request; var hname = location.hostname; var hname2; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { Request = new XMLHttpRequest(); hname2 = getHostname(url); if (Request.withCredentials === undefined && hname2 !== '' && hname2 !== hname) { Request = XDomainRequest || undefined; } else { Request = XMLHttpRequest; } } return Request; }; var xlinkNS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; checkUseElems = function () { var base; var bcr; var fallback = ''; // optional fallback URL in case no base path to SVG file was given and no symbol definition was found. var hash; var href; var i; var inProgressCount = 0; var isHidden; var Request; var url; var uses; var xhr; function observeIfDone() { // If done with making changes, start watching for chagnes in DOM again inProgressCount -= 1; if (inProgressCount === 0) { // if all xhrs were resolved unobserveChanges(); // make sure to remove old handlers observeChanges(); // watch for changes to DOM } } function attrUpdateFunc(spec) { return function () { if (cache[spec.base] !== true) { spec.useEl.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, 'xlink:href', '#' + spec.hash); 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